Curated Packs Under Discount by Tata Sky The first category of packs which have received a discount from Tata Sky include the Curated packs, and these are the most number of packs which have received the price cut temporarily in this promotional period. It is worth noting that the most packs in the curated packs are in regional languages. For example, the Tamil Kannada Basic pack which is available for Rs 383.50 will now be available for Rs 375.24. Similarly, the Tamil Premium Sports English Pack would be available for Rs 634.52 instead of Rs 642.78. In the long list of curated packs which have received a discount in the promotional period, Tata Sky has listed many packs like Telugu Kannada Basic, Telugu Malayalam Basic, Kannada Malayalam Basic, Kannada Malayalam Basic HD, Malayalam Premium Sports HD, Telugu Kannada Premium Sports English, Hindi Starter Pack, Telugu Smart Pack, Odia Smart pack, Tamil Metro, Telugu Metro and more. Tata Sky Regional and Add-On Packs Also Under Discount The regional and add-on packs from Tata Sky have also received a discount in this period. It is worth noting that as the name suggests, the regional or add-on packs are not expensive like the curated packs which are meant to be an add-on solution. But, instead, the add-on packs come with selective channels which the subscribers can include on top of their base pack. These add-on packs receiving discount include Kids Mini, Sports add-on pack, Sports HD, Tamil Regional, Telugu Regional, Kannada Regional Mini, Bengali Regional, Bengali Regional Mini. There are some HD packs as well, which have received a slight discount and these packs include the Tamil Regional HD pack, Malayalam Regional HD pack, Malayalam Regional Mini HD amongst others. Popular SD Channels Also Receive Price Cut Tata Sky subscribers should also note that this is not the only discount that they would be able to enjoy in this period. But, the broadcasters have also extended the discounts to the subscribers, which are being passed on from the DTH operators to the customers. As part of this promotional period offers from the broadcasters, many channels from the major broadcasters including Viacom18, Star India, Sony Pictures Networks India are on discount. These channels include popular SD channels like Star Plus, Colors, Colors Kannada, SET, Sony SAB and more. The channels were previously available for Rs 19 per month, but now they have come down by Rs 7, and they are available for Rs 12 per month for the subscribers. Combined with the new promotional offer from Tata Sky on its curated and add-on packs and the discount on these popular channels, the subscribers would be able to save money on their monthly DTH subscription.